
Third Sunday of Advent  |  Luke 1:46-55

For the third Sunday of Advent this year, the lectionary offers an alternative to the Psalm reading: one may substitute Luke 1:46-55, called the Magnificat from the opening word of the Latin translation.Mary and Joseph 001

The Magnificat is a beautiful passage. Many scholars believe that it was an early Christian hymn, worked masterfully into the Gospel of Luke. Few would argue that Mary herself actually spoke these words. Still, the early church accepted not only that these words of praise offer truths about God but also that these words offer genuine insight into the mind and heart of Mary, whether she spoke them or not. It should not worry us. Many of the truest stories never actually happened.

Mary the mother of Jesus is adored in most of Christianity, particularly within Roman Catholicism and Orthodox faith. Sometimes, to the eyes of some other Christians, it appears that she is even worshiped.

It is not so in the plainest traditions of Protestant Christianity. Among Protestants, Mary is seldom discussed. Oh, she has a role in the story of the Christmas Child, but Mary herself is given little role in the Protestant pursuit of Christianity. It would seldom, if ever, enter the mind of a Baptist to call upon Mary, or any of the other saints, for help. Most of these Christians would explain that such a focus upon anyone other than God is unseemly at best, perhaps not even Christian, and that such attention given to Mary borders upon idolatry.

I suggest that the truth may be simpler: we do not like to think about things that unsettle us.

How does that apply to Mary, one might ask?

Well, for one thing, to think about Mary at any length leads one to think about the great portions of the life of Christ about which we know nothing at all. What was he like as a child? Did he get bruises and scrapes? Did he forget things, do his chores, have any chores? What did Mary and Joseph do with the gold, frankincense, and myrrh? Did they set up a trust fund for the child?

There’s more. What was it like, in the first days of what turned out much later to be the first century AD, to be pregnant and unmarried (at least for a while, till Joseph came along)? What did Joseph really think about the whole thing? How long did the neighbors gossip about it and count on their fingers the months from the wedding to the birth? What happened to Joseph, and how long did Mary live after he was gone?

What about the brothers and sisters of Jesus? What were family gatherings like?

What was it like to watch Jesus die? What did she think when she heard the report of the empty tomb? Why did Mary, if the tradition is true, go to stay with the apostle John?

Did Mary write any of it down? What would that story sound like, and would you like to read that Gospel?

How much did Mary understand? And how little do we understand about her?

Here’s an Advent challenge for us, particularly for those unacquainted with meditating on Mary the mother of Jesus: this season, from time to time, pause to think about the Christmas story unfolding through the life of Mary.

We do know that whatever happened in those days, Mary was at the beginning of it, and we are told that she treasured all these things in her heart. (Luke 2:19, 51) Let us also ponder that first Christmas season and treasure it. Remember Mary, and see Christmas through the eyes of the mother of Jesus.

Breathe a Word

Second Sunday in Advent  |  Isaiah 11:1-10

Falls In The Rocks

The wolf also shall lie down with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them…They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

The words are famous. It is strange how some words affect us, stay with us. Sometimes we have heard words so often that we are unable to hear them any longer because we are sure we know what they mean.

Take the messianic image in verse 4: with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

Most of us hear these words and we think of overwhelming power. Yet the prophet is telling us about the power of words themselves, power in the breath of God, in a whisper.

Jesus did not live up to expectations. He taught, he touched, he brought healing to sick people, and he only occasionally became angry. The kingdom of God was ushered in with quiet words and humble grace. No lightning, no hellfire.

I want to change things directly by the use of power. Like most of us, I wish I had more power to apply to the world around me. Yet, the imposition of power only reinforces its object, hardens it, like steel in a forge or diamonds under the crushing weight of the earth.

God waits, watching the world change little by little by the choices of single souls. It is like the power of water to carve rocks, fluid and seemingly soft and ultimately irresistible.

When we want change, the world tells us to scream and to shove, to force our will on those around us.

God does not scream. God is whispering.

This season why not try the way of greater power: a quiet word, a gentle response. We may find that we are acting with the power of God.

The Christmas Thief

First Sunday of Advent  |  Matthew 24:36-44

Advent this year marks not only the beginning of the liturgical calendar but also the beginning of year A in the Revised Standard Lectionary. The Gospel reading for the first Sunday of Advent is Matthew 24:36-44.

Flying.JPGThe passage is full of familiar images, most of all the image of a thief coming in the night. We do not know when the Lord will come, we are told, and so we are urged to remain awake and vigilant.

There is something extremely odd about the point of view here. Jesus, the Messiah, is telling the listener about expecting the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. We understand, with two thousand years of hindsight, that he was talking about a second coming, a return, a moment in which God would not only be made manifest within history, as with the first incarnation, but would break into and change history. At least that is more or less the mainstream view of this passage and of others similar to it. There are other views within Christianity, including the idea that God is already present, that the second coming followed directly on the first: the Spirit came like a thief, unexpected, unlooked for.

We might consider some other ideas that flow from the passage.

Generally, the second coming of the Messiah is described by much of evangelical Christianity as an event that the whole world will experience all at once. The clouds will part, and Christ will return. In the meanwhile, let’s consider another more immediate way of thinking about it—that the second coming could be experienced as a very personal event, internal, spiritual. We understand that we do not know at what hour Jesus will return for all of us. Could it be that Jesus is also saying that we do not know at what hour God will come to each of us?

Think about the possibilities.

Instead of looking for an experience of clouds, trumpets and angels, suppose we begin to expect some spiritual event, unforeseen in its shape and scope, some moment of sudden personal contact with God. Suppose we expect it each day and each night, every day and every night, over and over. Might not such an expectation move us from being one spectator among millions one day to being a soul participating each day with God in a sudden God-moment? Might not that be life changing?

Consider the very intentional image of God coming as a thief. We take from it the idea of God appearing at an unforeseen moment. What if there is another reason that Jesus chose to use the image of the thief? Yes, a thief is unexpected, or even if expected, still surprising in the chosen moment. There is something else that a thief does, something that is more intrinsic to the reality of a thief: a thief takes something. A thief is not a thief without a theft.

What does God want?

We might say worship, but in the end that answer trivializes God into a child-like being who simply wants our attention. Besides, true adoration cannot be taken, but only given. We might say love, but God is already love, if John understood anything at all. What then might God want from us?

What do we want from our children? Love? Obedience? Those are good things, but if we love our children as God loves us, then what we want is to see them grow, to see them achieve, to see them become the people we know they can be. We want to steal away anything that would hold them back.

So what would God steal?

One answer may be that God comes to take away the things that make us stumble, the things that limit our humanity: our fears, our regrets, our failures. There are some who call such things sin. It makes no difference to the thief what they are called. This thief comes to take away some of the things we hold most dear: our small ideas, our limited apprehension, our uncommitted embrace of life and of God.

Perhaps God wants to finish what God started, to steal a moment with a child who has finally grown up. God, our Christmas Thief, wants to take away the last impediments to our amazing life.

The best part? We don’t know when it will happen. So stay awake. Pay attention. Expect God to show up any time.