I, John is available now!

Jacket_PerfectBound_Rev1I, John is available now! You can order it clothbound or paperback, and you can have it today in eBook format to read on your iPad or Nook or other device. Here are links to booksellers already listing the title:


Barnes and Noble

Apple iBook Store (iTunes)

More links will be available soon, as additional stores offer it, and I will try to keep updating the links as the title makes it’s way into the system. The world of publishing and books is fascinating. It is like a house that has been built over many years, and some parts take a little longer to reach.

Hopefully, I, John will be listed in the next few days by more local independent booksellers on Indiebound.org and other sites, and I would be delighted to add links to any independent booksellers listing the title as available, either on the shelf or to order. If your local bookstore does not have I, John on the shelf and you would like to order it from them, giving them the ISBNs would be the easiest way for them to find it:

ISBN 978-0-9906426-9-5 — Clothbound (6x9in)

ISBN 978-0-9906426-1-9 — Trade Paperback (5.25x8in)

ISBN 978-0-9906426-0-2 — e-Book (except the Kindle version only carries the Amazon ASIN of B00N43YCKO)

I, John has also just now been added to Goodreads.com so if you like the novel (or if you hate it, though I really hope you like it,) please take a moment add a review—here’s a link to the Goodreads page.

Thanks to all of the people who have shown such interest in this novel! I hope that you enjoy it.